Creation has been a question attempting in indirect or conscious ways to dissect the origin of semantic units of identity. What is a thing? What separates it from the other things? Is form only a trivial, temporary arrangement of matter or the critical position of subject? If form is at least categorically important from where and how may it come to be?
Looking at contemporary works in which form, as a result of historical conditions, came to be the conscious subject of arts we will focus our work in this exercise on formal configurations as a primal state to further arrangements. We will search for the analogies that the production of form (or what it purports is its productive roots) provide for larger subjects to be situated in. For instance, a circle is a mathematically predicted geometry whose positive matter (i.e. the line that makes it) is in equal distance from a single (although invisible) center. Analogically, the idea of a circle has globally functioned as a unicentric totality (unity) around which all being gathers, in equality, relative to a seemingly nonexistent but certainly affirmed metaphysical center. In this manner it is not the circle that arbitrarily symbolizes an idea but a circle is by definition the state of unity that can be extended as the allegory for a singular state of human condition (e.g. in the relationships of man to nature or society). In the same way, any image that a formal state projects to be its formation can be the basis of assuming universalities, from an anarchic chaos to different ways of reactions to existing orders (e.g. destruction, cutting, folding, etc.), or heterogeneity and at the other end of spectrum, total ex-nihilo orders (e.g. geometric formulation).
Disfigurative of Domino Effect illusion
this is an assembly of the object that wasn't planned. I did know what to add together I just have the idea of creating some sort of fake illusion that can question your reality in some way. I only have a domino box that is missing some of its peace and a picture frame. So why not try to do an Ouroborus Domino Affect with a mirror but I didn’t have a mirror to use. So I use the picture frame to represent the mirror and glue the domino one both side to give it a sense of been reflecting. Yet, it’s an illusion of the domino reflection since it not really the same on the other side.